Tuesday, January 20, 2009

Some Faith Practices of the Early Christians

There are some Christian denominations who identify themselves as God’s Chosen/Elect people because of certain faith practices such as observance of the Jewish Sabbath and dietary laws, reverentially pronouncing the sacred Name of God (‘Jehovah’) and being His Witnesses (Cp. Isaiah 43: 10), and some claim ancestry from one of the Lost tribes of Israel (‘Nephi’) and practice “baptisms for the dead”
(Cp. I Corinthians 15: 29). Just a few comments are in order although this is not complete. Although the Prophet Isaiah did reference ancient Israel as Witnesses for the Lord (‘Yah’), Acts 14: 12 states, “Neither is there salvation in any other, for there is no ‘other’ name under the heaven given among men by which we must be saved.” The “Witnesses” the New Testament speaks about are those who witnessed our Lord and Savior Jesus Christ, whom God raised from the dead (Cp. Acts 3: 15; 4: 33;
5: 31-32; 13: 30-31).

The rite of “baptisms for the dead” has no precedent in Scripture because there is no example of it but the rather awkward wording in I Corinthians 15: 29. The confusion, although not apparent at first, can be solved by a careful and prudent examination of the context, keeping in mind the emphasis on concern over there being no resurrection for the dead; which would include by extension, the Lord Jesus Christ Himself. If that is the case and if someone is baptized into Christ believing in His resurrection as a prelude to their own and if this is not true, then the passage asks a really good question. So, keeping that thought in mind,
read Romans 6: 3-4a, 5; I Corinthians 15: 12-14, 17-18, 29; I Thessalonians 4: 13 for more clarification. Irrespective of the various points of view which are presented in this particular work, the following are some of the characteristics which the New Testament leaves as a footprint in the sands of time as to the traditions which the earliest believers engaged in which helped them grow in the most precious ‘Faith.’

Acts 1: 14
One accord, prayer, supplication.

2: 1
Gathered together in one place with one accord.

Apostle’s doctrine, fellowship, breaking of bread (common meals), prayers.

All believers were together, had all things in common.

Continued daily with one accord in the temple, breaking bread (common meal) from house to house and ate their food with gladness and simplicity of heart.

6: 1
Providing food distribution for widows.

Praying and the laying on of hands.

Romans 12: 12
Continuing steadfastly in prayer, distributing to the needs of the saints, given to hospitality.

I Corinthians 10: 14-21; 11: 17-34
(“The Lord’s Table”)The Communion of the Body and Blood of the Lord.

16: 1-4; II Corinthians 8: 1-24; 9: 1-14
Special offering (‘gift’) for the saints in Jerusalem [Judea].

Colossians 3: 16
Teaching and admonishing one another in psalms, hymns, and spiritual songs, singing with grace in your hearts unto the Lord.

4: 2
Continue earnestly in praying, being vigilant in it with thanksgiving.

I Thessalonians 5: 16-18
Rejoice always, pray without ceasing, in everything give thanks; for this is the will of God in Christ Jesus for you.

I Timothy 2: 1, 8 {esp. 2-4}
Therefore I exhort first of all that supplications, prayers, intercessions, and the giving of thanks be made for all men. I desire therefore that men pray everywhere, lifting up holy hands without wrath or doubting.


I Timothy 3; 1-7

I Timothy 3: 8-13

Titus 1: 5-9

I Timothy 5: 1-16
Taking care of the widows.

Supporting the Elders who labor in the word and doctrine.

Acts 2: 37-38; 8: 5, 12, 35-36, 38-39; 9: 17-18; 10: 44-48; 15: 29-33; 16: 14-15;
18: 24-26; 19: 1-6; Romans 6: 3-7, 17-18; 10: 8-11; I Peter 3: 20-21

Romans 12: 3-8; I Corinthians 1: 4-8; 12: 1-11, 27-31; 14: 1-33, 36-40;
Ephesians 4: 7-13; I Thessalonians 5: 19-20; I Peter 4: 10-11

I Timothy 4: 14
The laying on of hands.

5: 22
Do not lay hands [on anyone] hastily, nor share in other people’s sin; keep yourself pure.

James 5: 14-16
The Elders of the Church anointing the sick with oil [olive??] in the Name of the Lord.

Robert Randle
776 Commerce St. #B-11
Tacoma, WA 98402
January 20, 2009